I am a novelist, journalist and podcaster with over 25 years experience in the media.
I began my career as a teacher, then went into PR, fashion and finally journalism. After a regular makeover slot on Richard & Judy, Trinny and I signed with the BBC to host our first own show, What Not to Wear, which ran for five years.
My passion was always to help women learn to love themselves from the outside in - to look better in order to feel empowered. Through experience, I have come to understand that in mid-life, if you support the inside, the outside will shine. I believe that there is no such thing as perfection (except in nature) and women being told they ‘can have it all’ is a bullshit sentiment, that leaves us feeling inadequate. I have countless flaws and fall way short of being the perfect mum/wife/writer/friend, but I try my best and that’s just fine.
The overriding purpose of this website is to encourage you to give yourselves permission to screw up, to occasionally put yourselves at the top of the list and discover a power that is deserved and earned after decades of ups and downs.
Time to kick back and kick ass.
Fat kiss
Susannah xx